Thursday 6 May 2021

TT and Numbots reflection

 Term 2, Week 1 2021

During Term 1 we have been practising our addition and subtraction knowledge through the online programme called NumBots.  At the start it was super easy but progressively got more challenging.

I am now on Kevlar level of NumBots.  

I enjoy NumBots because it is quite esay right now but I know that it is gonna get harder and harder until I Compelte it

What I find challenging is going fast in numbots so I can get 3 stars

This week we have started TTRockstars.  This is an online programme which helps us to learn our timetables. First we had to complete 10 Studio games which were really hard because they had basic facts right up to 12 x 12. Now that hard part is over we can play in the Garage and start learning our tables.

I think that TTRockstars will be good for me to relearn times tables again and it will be harder for the year 5's so that they work harder

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play,make,create. POLY-JUICE POTION

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