Sunday 23 May 2021


 Todays story was Theodore the unsure it was about a Lion in africa and that Lion was the king of africa and he was unsure to cut his mane or not and he asked his royal adviser that was a bird to ask animals around the world if he should cut his mane or not and when the royal adviser returned to the King most of the resaulst came back with no but Theodore thought and thought until he made up his mind and he dicide to cut his hair. I made a choice choser for my friends to say yes or no.

Thursday 20 May 2021

Kite day

 Last week we made  Kites for kite day it took me a long time to make mine but it did not work but on monday this week it worked for a little bit but broke and I fixed it at home but still did not fly and then my sister got it some how and broke it and I could not fix it so then Mum told me to throw it in the bom fire

Sunday 9 May 2021


 for play make create Sean and I made an Abandon house for adventuring inside Me and Sean got this idea from my brithday in 2018.sadly we didnt get a photo because it turned into morning tea and others had the ipads and people still have them so its no use waiting for them. Our book name is Be you.

Thursday 6 May 2021

TT and Numbots reflection

 Term 2, Week 1 2021

During Term 1 we have been practising our addition and subtraction knowledge through the online programme called NumBots.  At the start it was super easy but progressively got more challenging.

I am now on Kevlar level of NumBots.  

I enjoy NumBots because it is quite esay right now but I know that it is gonna get harder and harder until I Compelte it

What I find challenging is going fast in numbots so I can get 3 stars

This week we have started TTRockstars.  This is an online programme which helps us to learn our timetables. First we had to complete 10 Studio games which were really hard because they had basic facts right up to 12 x 12. Now that hard part is over we can play in the Garage and start learning our tables.

I think that TTRockstars will be good for me to relearn times tables again and it will be harder for the year 5's so that they work harder

Sunday 2 May 2021

PLAY MAKE CREATE up the creek

 Today when we made our PLAY MAKE CREATE  I made Jack Sparrows Compass but I did finish Most of it I did North East South and West. I tryed my best to do good but if you watched pirates of the carribean  you would now that Jacks compass does not work. the book was up the creek it is about teamwork with a Bear a Moose and a Beaver that Argue alot.

play,make,create. POLY-JUICE POTION

 I worked with Lucian and we made the POLY-JUICE POTION it is made out of  lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed, knotgrass, powdered horn of a ...