Monday 12 October 2020

Term 4 first blog post crime secne 😯😯😯


  this term we have a crime secne in class this is all I have at the moment I will update soon to tell what is going to happing next time I upload on my blog.this term only has 9 weeks so I should make the most of this term and play with my friends a lot cause I hope that I find out who the culprit is at the end of the term though.I have a group to help me find out who the culprit is with me my group peopole names are patrick, kingston, chirstan and maia.   

1 comment:

play,make,create. POLY-JUICE POTION

 I worked with Lucian and we made the POLY-JUICE POTION it is made out of  lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed, knotgrass, powdered horn of a ...