Wednesday 19 August 2020

Inquiry mahi. should animals be kept in zoos???


 This week I've done inquiry its called should animals be kept in zoos???
I did a poster with pros, and cons the pros, are good things and the cons are, bad things I had got some help from Sean, and Sean got some help from me I tried to, do my best Sean reckons I done, a Supernova. 


  1. I see how he reckons its a super nova It awesome. Ka pai

  2. I think you tried really hard to get all your information on there and nice and big so we could all read it easily.Maybe next time you could make the title bigger so it stands out from the poster more? Ka rawe!


play,make,create. POLY-JUICE POTION

 I worked with Lucian and we made the POLY-JUICE POTION it is made out of  lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed, knotgrass, powdered horn of a ...