Sunday 27 June 2021




 For Play,Make,Create we did We are all equal.

I worked with Gaurav and we made a monkey playground

Gaurav and I did create and drawed the monkey playground

it did not do good for two brains in three ours and I think I do best by myself like last time I done really good.

Sunday 20 June 2021


 For week 8's play make create I made a compass for my task we did our tasks by our selves this week it seemed quite easy. our book was called Rain before the Rainbow it was a Intresting story. 


Thursday 17 June 2021



 This is my newspaper tower for whetu challgne I worked with James Dylan and Tommi this is the staring photo when we were not close to finishing and did not get a photo of the finished one I can not remember our hieght of the tower it was quite difficult.

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Brush your teeth Poster

This is my Brush your teeth poster.
You should brush your teeth 2 times a day so they will stay healthy.
add mouthwash for x-tra protecion

play,make,create. POLY-JUICE POTION

 I worked with Lucian and we made the POLY-JUICE POTION it is made out of  lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed, knotgrass, powdered horn of a ...