Thursday 26 November 2020

N*zi unifrom


  This week for chapter chat I have done a N*zi uniform from the book called code name bananas this is my second one this week.

Sunday 22 November 2020

Case closed

(Case closed it was mrs taaffe)


Mrs Taaffe came in to confess that she was the person who did the crime.

Mrs Taaffe stole the chocolate on the day she was at school to drop stuff.

She disabled the alarm when she came in the class room and stole the Dongle.

Her fingerprints were all over the scene.

Thursday 12 November 2020

Guy Fawkes


   This is my blog challnege this week, I did Guy Fawkes but when Guy Fawkes happend I did not go, cause it was raining in paeroa but I could see a bit of sparkles form my home.  

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Athletics day

Yesterday I had athletics day I came second for shot put I think fourth or fift for long jump last for 100 meters second to last on 200 meters I tried to do my best for high jump but I used alot relecne on high jump cause i ketp on trying and trying and trying but ketp on failing but I didnt give up. The most challngning thing was running and high jump. I enjoyd shot put the most becasue I came second but second is pretty good. I felt nervus before the events esicilly the runs.

play,make,create. POLY-JUICE POTION

 I worked with Lucian and we made the POLY-JUICE POTION it is made out of  lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed, knotgrass, powdered horn of a ...